85. Silent Hill: Revelation

85. Silent Hill: Revelation

Rotten Tomatoes: 6%    IMDB: 5
Plot: After her father is captured Sharron must travel to Silent Hill to face the monsters and learn the truth about herself.

My Thoughts: I was looking forward to this movie, I really liked the first film, I loved the games and the fact that they were going to use mostly practical effects with CGI embellishment made me happy, sadly this film is a mess. The plot is convoluted and moronic, the dialog is Shyamalan cringe worthy and I don't think I can legally call what I saw acting. Sean Bean is the only good performance in this film and he is sidelined quickly, even personal favorite Malcolm McDowell is terrible in this film. Good God it's predictable and for a movie under 90 mins to drag is a real problem, avoid this movie re-watch the first one, play the games or watch some paint dry any of those is a better option. 


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