51. Aquabats Super Show

51. Aquabats Super Show

Rotten Tomatoes: NA   IMDB: 6.7

Plot: The Aquabats is a kids tv show that is beyond weird, I really don't even know what to compare it to. In the show, which is a mix of live action and animation, the Aquabats are a musical band who go on adventures. The episodes I watched for this were :Haunted Battle Tram" and "The Floating Eyeball of Death" one where they invoke the wrath of a ghost by eating his burrito and the other they accidentally summon a giant floating eyeball of death that devours human souls. 

My Thoughts: This is weird on a level that i just don't know what to do with. It is equal parts funny and annoying, I love the monster designs which are reminiscent of Power Rangers or Godzilla sequels. The music in the show is surprisingly good and the animated adventures are a good throw back to the adventure cartoons of the 70's. If you have kids or are really stoned I recommend giving this one a shot.


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