81. Feast II: Sloppy Seconds

81. Feast II: Sloppy Seconds

Rotten Tomatoes: NA   IMDB: 5.1
Plot: The morning following the events of Feast a female motorcycle gang set out to avenge the death of one of their own, the woman that got monster raped in part one before being a human bomb. We also follow the adventure and eventual team up of a used car salesman, his cheating wife and the employee she cheats with. Two midgets named Lightning and Thunder that are ex-wrestlers and now key makers. Rounding out the list is the old bartender, Clu Gulager, and Honey Pie both returning from part one. 

My Thoughts: Not as much fun as the original but still a unique fun experience. Having it happen during the day and putting the creatures in full daylight gives this a fresh take. Using rubber suits instead of cheap CGI brings some realism to the film that it would have been lacking, add in a baby tossing scene and you got a cheap good time. Not for your average film goer, but I know you dear readers are not average film goers.


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