21. Hellraiser 3 Hell on Earth

21. Hellraiser 3 Hell on Earth

Plot: After the events of Hellbound Pinhead is trapped inside a work of modern art. Thankfully it's owned by an evil douchebag who brings victims for Pinhead to snack on and release himself. It's up to intrepid reporter Joey and Pinhead's human alter ego to stop Pincushion and send him back to the hell from which he came. 

My Thoughts: What a mixed bag this one is. On one hand this has some good visuals and a lot of creative kills including the opening emergency room head explosion. It also has bad actors delivering awful dialog in terrible scenes. We get new Cenobites, that's good, but most of them are moronic, that's bad. Of the new Cenobites there is a new version of Deepthroat from the first two except this one put a cigarette in the hole in her throat. Then there is the aforementioned douchebags who has pistons through his head. There is a cameraman Cenobite with a telescoping video lens where an eye should be. A bartender Cenobite with a martini shaker of gasoline and a mouth full of fire and lets not forget the DJ Cenobite that has a CD tray in his chest where he produces CDs to throw at people oh and as a bonus when he moves he sounds like Robocop. Overall it's not a bad movie it is no where near as good as the original two but still I can groove to this series there are six more to go so we'll see. 


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