49. Tales From The Hood

49. Tales From The Hood

Rotten Tomatoes: 38%    IMDB: 5.8

Plot: An anthology film focusing on a trio of gang bangers trying to pick up some drugs from a funeral home and the creepy mortician that is stalling for time by telling them stories about how the people met their fate. The first story deals with a group of racist cops facing the vengeful corpse of a man they murdered. The second is about a child being abused at home. The third is about a bevy of murderous spirit dolls and the final tale is about a gangster being reformed ala Clockwork Orange.

My thoughts: Like all anthology movies this one is uneven. The first story has some decent gore but the acting and characters are awful and the story is tripe and predictable. The second is by far the best with a creepy turn by comedian David Allan Grier as an abusive monster. The third... why do so many anthology horror films have murderous dolls I just don't get it. The character of the racist politician is cartoony and his death is not satisfying because of this. The fourth story is entertaining in the make you think kind of way, the whole message being that gangsters are no better than Klansmen and the only real way to deal with them apparently is death seems like an odd message coming from Spike Lee but is a conversation starter. All in all not a bad film, I'm a little prejudice towards it because I remember it fondly from my youth and I always think about this one girl I had a crush on who said it was her favorite movie, that always made me like it just a little bit more.


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