74. Kolchak: The Night Stalker

74. Kochak: The Night Stalker

TV.Com 8.3   IMDB: 7.8

Plot: Kolchak is a journalist who never shies away from the truth, no matter how frightening or odd. Think an earlier X-Files.

My Thoughts: It's odd to see "the old man" from Christmas Story in a supernatural series playing an almost bumbling reporter. I tend to think of him as the same character just this is his day job then he goes home to deal with Ralphie wanting a BB Gun. Kolchak presents himself as bumbling, buffleded and disorganized much like Columbo but also like Columbo it is an act, nothing slips by him and if you aren't careful he might sell you you're own shoes. The cases he runs into range from aliens to vampires to Jack The Ripper himself. This series is so freaking good, if you enjoy a good scifi horror tale this is a good way to go.


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