Fault In Our Stars
Fault In Our Stars IMDB: 8 Rotten Tomatoes: 80% Plot: Based on the bestseller by John Green, two teens with cancer fall in love, travel to Amsterdam to meet a recluse author. Much sadness ensues. My Thoughts: As an over view I can feel good recommending this movie, it is a solid B-. The film is well done in most aspects for majority of the film. The acting is spot on, the writing is mostly good and the film looks great. If you are thinking about watching it or kinda on the fence about it go ahead it tells a story with no real surprises but it tells it well and you'll cry a little, my living room got a bit misty while watching it. Now time for me to get nit picky and spoilery so if you want to be 100% fresh stop reading now. So Juno, sorry I mean Hazel Grace has cancer and has to wear an oxygen tube to breathe, her doctor and mother worry about her having depression, a common side effect of cancer because well no shit. So they talk her into going to a support ...